Jucarie kit asamblare MERKUR 010 formula
Jucarie kit asamblare MERKUR 010 formula

Jucarie kit asamblare MERKUR 010 formula

RON 101.64

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Acest produs este publicat la data de 30-09-2023: 11:09 si vandut de Dioda. Vanzatorul isi asuma corectitudinea datelor publicate.

Kits MERKUR 010 formula From Merkur 010 Formula is possible according to the instructions to assemble 10 different models of racing cars. Imagination has no limits, so designers can build a small model and according to their wishes. Perhaps everybody, when hear the word Merkur think of planet of our solar system, but most of them on the best known Czech toy of the same name. Mercury is the name of the train models and metal kits, which arose at the beginning of the last century in Police nad Metují. Properties: - Number of parts: 223 - Size: 255 x 180 x 50 mm - Weight: 0.8 kg

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